This blog will start functioning in autumn 2011. Sorry for the delay…

Tadej Droljc

Tadej Droljc is a sound and music lover and has become actively involved in that field in the year 2005 by becoming a member of Radio Student’s musical editorial office. Along the way he was experimenting with electronic sounds, music and field recordings that brought him to England 3 years later where he started to study at the University of Hull. Tadej will graduate in June 2011 from the Computer Music (BSc) course. Through specific modules and dissertation he focused especially on sound synthesis and design in the audio-visual environment Max/MSP and Jitter. Recently he is focusing on real time graphical sound synthesis, experimental and psy trance music production, 3D sound visualization and alternative ways of human-computer interaction via MIDI and OSC.


The workshop aims to introduce participants to the theory and practice of sound synthesis, digital audio basics, implementation of digital synthesizers and graphical programming environment Max/MSP. During the workshop various modules will be created that will be integrated into more and more complex synthesizer along the way. The modules will represent encapsulated implementations of various theories, concepts and computer music techniques such as additive synthesis, subtractive synthesis, modulation synthesis (AM and FM), distortion (waveshaping) synthesis, granular synthesis, polyphony, arpeggiator, modulation matrix, sound rotation etc. The workshop is intended for the computer music or DSP beginners, sound enthusiasts, electronic musicians and for everybody that is interested in graphical programming environment Max/MSP. A laptop with Max/MSP or Max for Live will be needed for the workshop. Beside full Max/MSP authorization there are also one month fully functional demo versions and 9 month student authorizations available. MIDI controllers are not compulsory although recommended.

Kotizacija za 36-urno delavnico (10.10. – 20.10.2011) znaša 60 EUR. Prijave na delavnice pošljite najkasneje do 22.09. na: Vprašanja glede vsebine delavnice pošljite na

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